MAG process gas chromatograph for natural gas composition

Explosion-proof process gas chromatograph is designed for the continuous automatic measurement of the mole fraction of combustible natural gas (CNG) components in accordance with ISO 6974, followed by calculation of the component values ​​of the composition variables of the calorific value, relative and absolute density, compressibility factor and Wobbe index under ISO 6976.

MAG Brochure


Process gas chromatograph MAG for natural gas analysis system can be used in commercial accounting and monitoring gas quality at the gas metering and gas distribution stations, automatic control systems and process control refineries, petrochemical, and other gas processing plants.


  • Backflush of C6 + 5 min;
  • Flow rate of carrier gas is up to 12 ml / min;
  • Additionally, for natural gas it is possible to analyze:
    • Methanol;
    • Helium and hydrogen;
    • Extended hydrocarbon composition with the hydrocarbon dew point calculation.
  • Analysis of natural gas of variable and extended (by certified measurement methods).

Metrological Performance

MAG process gas chromatograph was certified for compliance with requirements of the International Organization of Legal Metrology, i.e. OIML R140:2007 "Measuring systems for gaseous fuel" and Welmec 7.2.2018 "Software Guide (Measuring Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC)".
This certificate allows to apply MAG GC in commercial natural gas quality metering and monitoring systems around the world.

OIML R140:2007 Certificate

400 mm
481 mm

Option: can be manufactured in a laboratory based design.

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Options Model KC 50.310-000
Number of analytical channels 2
Type of detector TCD
Thermostat mode Isothermal, airless
Thermostat temperature from +90 to +100 °C
Number of streams up to 6 analyzed flows (including calibration mixture)
Analyzed media gas
Carrier gas flow rate He, 8-12 ml/min
Time of analyses No more than 6 minutes
Operation mode Automatic, controlled by internal PC with installed software
Display and data input 12 "LCD display and touch screen (optional)
Data transfer interfaces (standart) RS 232/485 (ModbusRTU), Ethernet (ModbusTCP), discrete inputs (NAMUR)
Data transfer interfaces (option) RS 232/485, 4-20 mA, digital outputs, optical Ethernet, GSM / GPRS
Power supply 220, (50 ± 1) Hz
Power consumption from 180 W (run-up time); from 80W (operation)
Explosion protection 1Ex d IIB T4Gb or 1Ex d IIB + H2 T4 Gb
IP rating IP65
Ambient temperature -10 to +50°С
Weight, kg 40
Dimensions, LxWxH, mm 400х300х481 or 436х318х607

