S-Chrome portable gas chromatograph

Portable GC S-Chrome is a compact instrument for sulfur-containing compounds analysis in various media for stationary and mobile laboratories.



  • Measure hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan mass content, with calculation of mercaptan and total sulfur content according to GOST R 53367-2009 in natural gas;
  • Sulfur compounds analysis, including hydrogen sulfide in high concentrations, in associated petroleum gas;
  • Hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan content analysis in oil and petroleum products, with direct feed of liquid sample into evaporator;
  • Sulfur compounds content analysis in liquefied hydrocarbon gases with dosing with an optional liquid sampling valve.

Structural features

  • Electrochemical detector (ECD), highly sensitive and selective to sulfur compounds;
  • Special input unit with the same dividing ratio for gas and liquid samples;
  • Only air as carrier gas;
  • Integrated carrier gas flow rate measurement device at detector and column discharge (independent gas flow rate setup).


  • Analysis of H2S in high concentrations due to a tenfold detector signal attenuation in predetermined chromatogram parts;
  • Short analysis duration (15 minutes to n-butyl mercaptan);
  • Operation is controlled by Analyzer Software installed on external PC;
  • High sensitivity with detection limit from 0.02 mg/m3 (in gaseous phase);
  • No signal “damping” from hydrocarbons;
  • Compact size and low power consumption;
  • Low cost of ownership.

Certification and test results provided

  • S-Chrome chromatograph is listed in the National Register of Measuring Instruments;
  • This chromatograph has been successfully tested in PAO Gazprom, CJSC NNK SANORS, VNIIUS and VNIINP.
360 mm
160 mm

Option: independent gas feed from integrated microcompressor

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Metrological performance

Analyzed components Hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans
Detection limit, mg/m3

from 0.02 to 0.095

(depending on the component)

Max. relative mean square deviation (MSD) of the output signal (peak area height), % 3
Max. relative mean square deviation (MSD) of the output signal (hold-up time), %  0,5
Max. relative output signal variation for 24 h of continuous operation, %  10
Upper limit of measurement range, v %, up to


(with tenfold output signal attenuation)




Analyzed medium Gas, oil, liquefied gas
Column temperature, °С from 40 to 160
Evaporator temperature, °С from 40 to 160
Detector temperature, °С from 40 to 50
Carrier gas air
Carrier gas flow rate, ml/min about 40 
Carrier gas flow rate 6 minutes (to C2H5SH), 15 minutes (to n-C4H9SH)
Data transfer interfaces RS-485, Ethernet
Power supply, V 220 
Power consumption, W up to 120 (startup); up to 15 (operation)
Startup time, min no more than 60 minutes
Ambient temperature, °С from +5 to +35
Dimensions, mm (LxWxH), mm 360х285х160 
Weight, kg, not more 10 
Service life minimum 8 years



