MAG-S process gas chromatograph for analysis of sulfur compounds in natural gas

This explosion-proof chromatograph is designed for on-line automatic measurement of the mass concentration of sulfur-containing compounds in combustible natural gas (CNG) in accordance with ASTM D 7493, ISO 19739 with subsequent calculation of the total and mercaptan sulfur content.

MAG Brochure


  • Selective ECD detector;
  • Carrier gas - compressed air;
  • Detection limit - from 0.01 ppm (H2S);
  • Hydrocarbons do not affect the analysis;
  • Linear characteristic: calibration by 1 CGM;
  • Wide measurement range.

Metrological Performance

Measurement ranges and the values ​​of the relative expanded uncertainty of the measurement result of the mass concentration of sulfur-containing components in the analyzed sample correspond to ASTM D 7493.

400 mm
481 mm

Option: can be manufactured in a laboratory based design.

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Options Model KC 50.360-000
Number of analytical channels 2
Type of detector TCD
Thermostat mode Isothermal, airless
Thermostat temperature from +45 to +55 °C
Number of streams up to 6 analyzed flows (including calibration mixture)
Analyzed media gas
Carrier gas flow rate air, to 25 ml / min
Time of analyses no more than 20 minutes
Operation mode Automatic, controlled by internal PC with installed software
Display and data input 12 "LCD display and touch screen (optional)
Data transfer interfaces (standart) RS 232/485 (ModbusRTU), Ethernet (ModbusTCP), дискретные входы (NAMUR)
Data transfer interfaces (option) RS 232/485, 4-20 mA, digital outputs, optical Ethernet, GSM / GPRS
Power supply 220, (50 ± 1) Hz
Power consumption from 180 W (run-up time); from 80W (operation)
Explosion protection 1Ex d IIB T4Gb or 1Ex d IIB + H2 T4 Gb
IP rating IP65
Ambient temperature -10 to +50°С
Weight 40 kg
Dimensions, LxWxH, mm 400х300х481 or 436х318х607



