MAG process gas chromatograph for analysis of liquefied hydrocarbons

This chromatograph in explosion-proof design is intended for on-line automatic measurement of the content of organic and non-organic matter in gas mixtures, liquefied gases and liquids.

MAG Brochure


  • Analyzed fluid - gas, liquefied gases, liquid;
  • Type of detector: TCD, ECD, FID, CCD;
  • Flexible modular design allows you to adapt the chromatograph for a wide range of tasks (up to 4 independent analytical channels).


Quality control of natural gas and LNG, including:

  • Analysis of natural gas and LNG according to ISO 6974;
  • Analysis of natural gas of variable and extended composition according to certified measurement procedures;
  • Analysis of sulfur-containing compounds in natural gas according to ISO 19739;

Control of the natural gas and LPG processing, including:

  • Analysis of helium concentrate, control of helium membrane treatment process;
  • Analysis of NGL and liquefied hydrocarbon gases in gas fractionation plants;
  • Control of natural gas and LPG desulfurization processes at GPPs;
  • Determination of methanol and other oxygenates in various hydrocarbon fluids;

Control of technological processes in petrochemistry, including:

  • Control of olefins production (analysis of ethylene, propylene, butylene fractions);
  • Control of production of MTBE and TAME (analysis of hydrocarbons, ethers, alcohols);
  • Analysis of process flows and product sales in the production of rubbers;
  • Control the quality of various products of organic synthesis, including alcohols, glycols, ethers and esters, aldehydes, ketones, fatty acids, etc.;

Flow measurements in various industries, including:

  • Analysis of various volatile organic compounds, including plant emissions;
  • Analysis of synthesis gas, coal gasification products, biogas, pyrolysis products;
  • Analysis of hydrogen-containing gas;
  • Analysis of permanent gases (He, H2, N2, O2, CO, CO2).

The above list is not limiting. To clarify the possibility of using MAG GS to solve a specific analytical task, it is necessary to fill in the data sheet.

400 mm
481 mm

Option: can be manufactured in a laboratory based design.

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Осуществляем поставки оборудования во все регионы России, а также в страны СНГ и Европы. Узнать больше о продукции можно, связавшись с нами по телефону +7 (846) 379-68-20 или отправив сообщение на email

Metrological Performance

Performance description Detector Value
Detection limit, g/cm3, not more than TCD nitrogen, hexane or propane with carrier gas helium or hydrogen 4·10-9
TCD hydrogen or helium with a carrier gas argon or nitrogen 1·10-9
TCD propane or hexane with a carrier gas argon or nitrogen 5·10-8
ECD hydrogen sulfide 1,5·10-11
ECD ethyl mercaptan 3·10-11
CCD hydrogen 2·10-10
CCD propane 5·10-10
Relative limitstandard deviation of the output signal (peak area),%, not more than TCD gas detection 2
TCD (liquid injection) 1
Relative changeoutput signal (peak area) for 24 hours of continuous operation,%, not more than TCD 3


Options Model KC 50.310-000-01
Number of analytical channels Up to 4
Type of detector TCD, ECD, CCD
Thermostat mode Isothermal, airless
Thermostat temperature from +60 to +170 °C
Number of streams up to 6 analyzed flows (including calibration mixture)
Analyzed media gas, liquefied gas, liquid
Carrier gas flow rate He, Ar, N2, H2, air, 5-30 ml / min
Time of analyses from 1 to 30 minutes
Operation mode Automatic, controlled by internal PC with installed software
Display and data input 12 "LCD display and touch screen (optional)
Data transfer interfaces (standart) RS 232/485 (ModbusRTU), Ethernet (ModbusTCP), дискретные входы (NAMUR)
Data transfer interfaces (option) RS 232/485, 4-20 mA, digital outputs, optical Ethernet, GSM / GPRS
Power supply 220, (50 ± 1) Hz
Power Consumption from 180 W (run-up time); from 80W (operation)
Explosion protection 1Ex d IIB T4Gb or 1Ex d IIB + H2 T4 Gb
IP rating IP65
Ambient temperature -10 to +50°С
Weight not more than 58 kg
Dimensions, LxWxH 400х300х481 or 436х318х607 mm

