Portable Oxygen Analyzer

Portable Oxygen Analyzer is an explosion-proof, compact, convenient, autonomous and accurate instrument for measuring the oxygen content in gases at remote facilities and in laboratories.

AnOх Brochure


  • Operates at temperatures up to -40 °C due to temperature control of sensor;
  • Long operation from the built-in accumulator with a possibility of recharge from automobile power supply and from a network of 220 V;
  • Does not require additional gases and sample preparation;
  • Small size and weight.


  • Operational monitoring of the oxygen content in the CNG in field conditions, including when commissioning gas pipelines after routine maintenance;
  • Mobile control of the oxygen content in the gas in the power system, food, chemical, oil and gas industry.
256 mm
150 mm

Note: Depending on the type of oxygen sensor installed, the measurement ranges can vary from 0-500 ppm to 0-100% by volume

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Осуществляем поставки оборудования во все регионы России, а также в страны СНГ и Европы. Узнать больше о продукции можно, связавшись с нами по телефону +7 (846) 379-68-20 или отправив сообщение на email

Metrologic Characteristics

Measurement range О2 Maximum allowed uncertainty, mln-1
0 - 500 mln-1 ± (1,5 + 0,05∙Сin)
0 - 2000 mln-1 ± (5 + 0,08∙Сin)
0 - 10000 mln-1 ± (100 + 0,06∙Сin)
0 - 100 % ± (0,5 + 0,03∙Сin) %


Operating principle electro-chemical
Number of streams 1
Analyzed media gaseous
Sample gas pressure controller external mechanical
Sample gas consumption, ml/min 200-1000
Operation mode manual
Analyses cycle continuous
Calibration gas manual
Explosion protection 1 Ex mb [ib] IIC T6 Gb X
IP rating IP65
Power consumption, not more, W 17 W (warming up), 7 W (operating)
Power supply, V 12 V (battery), 220 V (charging)
Data transfer interfaces RS232/RS485
Sample gas pressure, MPa up to 24
Software built-in and external
Ambient temperature, °С from  -40 до +50
Weight, kg, not more 8,34
Dimensions, mm (LxWxH) 256х175х150

